Banks 43rd Amateur Series Division 7

MadChess 1.3 participated in Graham Banks’ 43rd amateur tournament in division 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 1 Waxman 2013 **** 1101 10½1 0111 011½ 1100 0100 0½½½ 1001 1111 101½ 110½ 111½ 1111 34.0/52 2 ECE 12.01 0010 **** ½101 1100 1101 ½½00 1011 ½1½1 1½½0 1½½½ ½110 111½ 1101 1½1½ 32.0/52 783.50 3 ChessKiss 1.7 64-bit 01½0 ½010 **** ½½10 0111 01½½ 011½ 1½½½ 0½1½ ½0½1 11½1 101½ ½111 11½1 32.0/52 772.75 4 Mediocre 0.5 1000 0011 ½½01 **** ½000 1½11 ½½10 1110 100½ ½111 1011 1101 1101 1111… Continue Reading

Banks 42nd Amateur Series Division 7

MadChess 1.2 participated in Graham Banks’ 42nd amateur tournament in division 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 1 Tigran 2.4 64-bit **** ½111 ½½½0 ½001 110½ ½1½½ 1½½1 11½1 1½½0 111½ ½1½1 ½0½1 1½1½ 1011 34.5/52 2 Bagatur 1.3a 64-bit ½000 **** ½010 000½ 1111 0½10 1101 ½011 1111 1110 11½½ ½11½ 1111 11½1 34.0/52 3 Mediocre 0.5 ½½½1 ½101 **** 0½11 10½0 0111 ½½½½ 10½1 ½100 1½½0 ½1½1 ½111 11½½ ½101 32.0/52 4 ProChess 1.02AD ½110 111½ 1½00 **** ½001 1000 1101 1010 11½½ 0101 1011 1010 110½ ½110 30.0/52… Continue Reading

Banks 41st Amateur Series Division 7

MadChess 1.2 participated in Graham Banks’ 41st amateur tournament in division 7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 Butcher 1.64 64-bit 2355 -2 **** 1½11 00½0 ½½1½ 0101 ½½1½ 1111 1110 11½½ 101½ 23.5/36 2 Tigran 2.3 64-bit 2289 +19 0½00 **** ½101 1½01 1011 111½ ½110 1001 1001 11½0 21.0/36 3 Gibbon 2.57a 64-bit 2251 +32 11½1 ½010 **** 1000 ½011 0½10 101½ 001½ 11½1 ½1½0 19.5/36 4 Carballo 0.8 2273 -1 ½½0½ 0½10 0111 **** ½0½0 0101 1111 0½11 01½1 0001 19.0/36 5 FireFly 2.6.0 64-bit 2258 +5 1010 0100 ½100 ½1½1 ****… Continue Reading

Banks 40th Amateur Series Division 7

MadChess made its debut in Graham Banks’ 40th Amateur Tournament in Division 7. The format was a fourteen engine quadruple round-robin. Time control was 40 moves in 25 minutes, repeating. The tournament ran from Thursday, April 25th to Tuesday, May 14th. I am very pleased with MadChess’ performance. Finished in eighth place. Scored better than 50%. Won a game against 11 of 13 opponents. Had an equal or winning record against 7 of 13 opponents. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 1 Capivara LK 0.09a01a 64-bit 2298 -4 **** ½1½½ ½1½½ ½1½1… Continue Reading