
  • MadChess 2.1+ does not require any runtime. It runs self-contained on Windows, Linux, or Mac. This is made possible by .NET 6 or the previous runtime known as .NET Core. I provide binaries only for Windows. However, you may compile MadChess for Linux.
  • MadChess 2.0- requires the version of Microsoft .NET specified in the .NET Runtime column. If not present on your PC, you need to install the .NET Framework prior to running MadChess. These versions of MadChess run only on Windows.

To analyze positions or play a game, you need a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Version Commit1 Bullet Elo2 Blitz Elo3 Rapid Elo4 Lines of Code .NET Runtime Source Binary
3.2.2 b828453 2769 ? ? 4363 Self-Contained Code EXE
3.2.1 41fabf1 2769 ? ? 4358 Self-Contained Code EXE
3.2 4265624 2769 ? ? 4356 Self-Contained Code EXE
3.1 77b70f9 2706 2742 ? 4525 Self-Contained Code EXE
3.0 45b56a3 2604 2638 2659 4639 Self-Contained Code EXE
2.2 164 2448 2496 2511 4817 Self-Contained Code EXE
2.1 112 2381 2436 2464 5105 Self-Contained Code EXE
2.0 128 2313 2380 2384 3203 .NET 4.6 Code EXE
1.4 145 2153 2235 2268 4438 .NET 3.5 SP1 Code EXE
1.3 103 2134 2196 2236 4144 .NET 3.5 SP1 Code EXE
1.2 43 2078 2123 ? 4368 .NET 3.5 SP1 Code EXE
1.1 35 2013 2062 ? 4308 .NET 3.5 SP1 Code EXE
1.0 9 1923 ? ? 4482 .NET 3.5 SP1 Code EXE
  1. GitHub commit (hash) or Subversion source code revision (integer)
  2. Bullet chess = 2 min / game + 1 sec / move
  3. Blitz chess =  5 min / game + 3 sec / move
  4. Rapid chess = 14 min / game + 7 sec / move

Elo calculated using Ordo with one engine from each of four divisions anchored to its rating on the CCRL list.

RumbleMinze, the predecessor to MadChess, is available for download.

Elo Ratings

Elo is a rating system that measures a chess player’s skill. See Ratings for a comparison of MadChess to other chess engines.

Player Elo Rating
Best Computer 3550
Best Human 2850
MadChess 2769
Super GM (World Elite) 2700
Strong Grandmaster 2600
Grandmaster (GM) 2500
International Master (IM) 2400
Master 2300
Candidate Master 2200
Expert 2000
Strong Club 1800
Club 1600
Strong Social 1400
Social 1200
Novice 1000
Patzer 800
Beginner 600

Elo predicts the expected score between two players. Score = (Wins + 0.5 * Draws) / Games.

Elo Difference Expected Score
+800 99%
+600 97%
+400 91%
+300 85%
+200 76%
+150 70%
+100 64%
+50 57%
0 50%
-50 43%
-100 36%
-150 30%
-200 24%
-300 15%
-400 9%
-600 3%
-800 1%

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