MadChess 3.0 Beta 4d22dec (Endgame Eval Scaling)

I improved MadChess 3.0 Beta’s detection of drawn endgames. The IsPawnlessDraw method scores the following positions as drawn. Though it continues to search moves for a swindle (opponent mistake that makes a drawn game winnable). 2N vrs <= 1 Minor Q vrs 2B Q vrs 2N Q vrs Q Q vrs R + Minor R vrs R + <= 1 Minor Q vrs 2R 2R vrs R + Minor 2R vrs 2R Testing revealed considering R vrs <= 2 Minors a draw increased evaluation error and caused the engine to play weaker. I left that endgame in the IsPawnlessDraw function… Continue Reading

Missed Opportunity in the Endgame

I’ve been playing chess against my engine recently, using a beautiful 23″ wooden board by Drueke, with my notebook PC off to the side.  I set the time control to 25 min + 10 sec / move and give myself an extra 5 minutes per game (more time than MadChess) to make the moves on the board and the PC.  I figure that’s fair- it averages to 5 seconds per move over 60 moves. Since MadChess plays chess as well as an international master (slightly below a grand master), and I am nowhere near that strong, I handicapped it to… Continue Reading