I have released version 3.0 of my chess engine. This is a complete rewrite of the engine using bitboards. I began the project two and a half years ago and worked on it sporadically, with long stretches of inactivity. I didn’t work on MadChess at all in 2019. Life got too busy, personally and professionally.
Gradually, I improved MadChess’ playing strength, surpassing the previous version, and crossing the 2600 Elo threshold. Considering MadChess 3.0 doesn’t have a sophisticated evaluation function, I’m satisfied to have reached that milestone. I’ll likely pursue evaluation improvements in a future version.
I have written MadChess 3.0, like its predecessors, in C#. I use preprocessor directives and Visual Studio solution configuration to include or exclude CPU intrinsics (PopCount
and LeadingZeroCount
) and target various platforms when compiling a binary executable: Windows 64 bit (x64) and Windows 32 bit (x86). When you click the 3.0 EXE link on the Downloads page, you’ll notice the ZIP file contains x64, x64 Non-PopCount, and x86 directories. Install the appropriate version for your computer’s CPU. The x64 binary is the strongest version of the engine.
MadChess 3.0 is built on Microsoft’s .NET 5 framework, which is open-source and cross-platform. On the Downloads page, I provide binaries only for Windows. However, .NET 5 supports Linux and Mac, so you’re welcome to compile it for those platforms. If you do attempt to compile a non-Windows binary, please let me know if you succeed or experience difficulties.
I have taken a minimalist approach to engine configuration. MadChess 3.0 doesn’t expose many UCI options. However, it does support UCI_LimitStrength
and UCI_Elo
, so you may configure MadChess for a more enjoyable game- assuming you’re not a Grandmaster.
Enjoy! Leave a comment on this blog post or click the Contact Me link and let me know what you think of my chess engine.
There Are No Download Links of any exe files of your most recent engines on your blog site whatsoever..Thx KC…e
Alright. This feels like a prank. “Whatsoever.” On the off chance it’s a serious question, click the Downloads big button in the upper left corner of any page. Or navigate directly to the Downloads page via https://www.madchess.net/downloads/. Then click the EXE link for the version you’d like to download.