Banks 57th Amateur Series Division 7

MadChess 2.0 participated in Graham Banks’ 57th amateur tournament in division 7.

                            1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    0    
1   Shield 1.1 64-bit       **** 0101 011½ 0111 1110 1½01 1101 1011 1½01 1½11  25.0/36
2   Nemeton 1.2             1010 **** ½111 01½1 0½1½ 01½0 11½0 1111 0½11 1111  24.5/36
3   MadChess 2.0 64-bit     100½ ½000 **** 011½ ½011 1011 1111 ½0½½ 1111 101½  22.0/36
4   Orion 0.2 64-bit        1000 10½0 100½ **** 11½½ 1½10 0½00 11½½ 0½11 ½011  18.0/36  305.50
5   Napoleon 1.6.0b 64-bit  0001 1½0½ ½100 00½½ **** 1½00 1½½½ ½½10 11½1 0111  18.0/36  299.75
6   Exacto 0.e 64-bit       0½10 10½1 0100 0½01 0½11 **** 1100 1½½0 0001 1½11  17.5/36
7   ChessKiss 1.7c 64-bit   0010 00½1 0000 1½11 0½½½ 0011 **** 0½0½ 0111 011½  16.0/36
8   Floyd 0.7 64-bit        0100 0000 ½1½½ 00½½ ½½01 0½½1 1½1½ **** 1½10 00½½  15.0/36
9   Protej 0.5.8c           0½10 1½00 0000 1½00 00½0 1110 1000 0½01 **** 1½01  13.0/36
10  Schooner 1.4.2 64-bit   0½00 0000 010½ ½100 1000 0½00 100½ 11½½ 0½10 ****  11.0/36


Banks 56th Amateur Series Division 6

MadChess 2.0 participated in Graham Banks’ 56th amateur tournament in division 6.

                                1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    0    1    2    
1   GreKo 2015 64-bit           **** 1½½½ ½010 1101 1111 0½11 1½11 1111 11½1 111½ 110½ 1½10  33.0/44
2   Fridolin 2.0 64-bit         0½½½ **** 0½½½ 1010 1½11 ½001 1011 1110 0011 1½11 ½11½ 1101  27.5/44
3   Zurichess Geneva 64-bit     ½101 1½½½ **** 11½1 0101 11½1 0111 ½1½½ 00½0 01½1 0100 1½11  27.0/44
4   Ares 1.005.2 64-bit         0010 0101 00½0 **** 0½½1 ½½½0 0½10 0111 111½ 1½11 11½½ 0½1½  23.5/44
5   Giraffe 20150908 64-bit     0000 0½00 1010 1½½0 **** 110½ ½100 1½11 1100 00½1 ½111 1111  23.0/44
6   K2 0.79                     1½00 ½110 00½0 ½½½1 001½ **** 10½0 0½10 ½1½1 11½1 0½1½ 001½  21.5/44
7   Betsabe II 1.47             0½00 0100 1000 1½01 ½011 01½1 **** 0001 11½0 0010 ½111 110½  20.5/44  420.00
8   CmcChess 2.6 64-bit         0000 0001 ½0½½ 1000 0½00 1½01 1110 **** 1101 ½½½1 ½½½½ 1½11  20.5/44  403.75
9   Bitfoot 1.0.d9aeb43 64-bit  00½0 1100 11½1 000½ 0011 ½0½0 00½1 0010 **** 110½ 1110 0½½0  18.5/44
10  Lozza 1.16 64-bit           000½ 0½00 10½0 0½00 11½0 00½0 1101 ½½½0 001½ **** ½½½1 ½11½  17.5/44
11  Waxman 2014                 001½ ½00½ 1011 00½½ ½000 1½0½ ½000 ½½½½ 0001 ½½½0 **** 0011  16.0/44
12  MadChess 2.0 64-bit         0½01 0010 0½00 1½0½ 0000 110½ 001½ 0½00 1½½1 ½00½ 1100 ****  15.5/44


Banks 55th Amateur Series Division 6

MadChess 2.0 participated in Graham Banks’ 55th amateur tournament in division 6.

                             1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  
1   Jazz 840 64-bit          ** ½0 11 10 01 11 10 1½ 11 1½ 11 11 ½1 11 11 1½  23.5/30
2   K2 0.75                  ½1 ** 11 ½1 10 11 ½0 1½ 11 0½ ½1 10 ½½ 11 11 11  22.0/30
3   MadChess 2.0 64-bit      00 00 ** 01 11 01 01 01 10 1½ 11 1½ ½1 11 ½½ ½1  18.0/30
4   CmcChess 2.6 64-bit      01 ½0 10 ** 11 11 ½0 01 ½0 10 00 ½1 ½½ 11 11 1½  17.5/30
5   Tigran 2.4n 64-bit       10 01 00 00 ** 0½ 11 ½0 11 1½ 01 10 ½1 1½ ½1 11  17.0/30  233.25
6   Waxman 2014              00 00 10 00 1½ ** 1½ 11 01 ½1 01 1½ 1½ ½1 ½1 1½  17.0/30  225.50
7   Myrddin 0.87 64-bit      01 ½1 10 ½1 00 0½ ** ½0 ½1 11 01 11 11 00 10 01  16.5/30
8   Fischerle 0.9.65 64-bit  0½ 0½ 10 10 ½1 00 ½1 ** 00 ½1 ½1 ½0 ½½ ½½ 1½ 11  15.0/30
9   Protej 0.5.8c            00 00 01 ½1 00 10 ½0 11 ** 0½ 0½ ½0 11 11 1½ ½0  13.5/30
10  Nemeton 1.2              0½ 1½ 0½ 01 0½ ½0 00 ½0 1½ ** 10 ½0 ½0 ½1 01 11  13.0/30
11  FireFly 2.7.0 64-bit     00 ½0 00 11 10 10 10 ½0 1½ 01 ** 11 01 00 01 00  12.5/30  184.75
12  Orion 0.2 64-bit         00 01 0½ ½0 01 0½ 00 ½1 ½1 ½1 00 ** 11 0½ ½½ ½½  12.5/30  175.50
13  Lozza 1.15 64-bit        ½0 ½½ ½0 ½½ ½0 0½ 00 ½½ 00 ½1 10 00 ** 0½ 1½ 11  11.5/30
14  CyberPagno 2.2 64-bit    00 00 00 00 0½ ½0 11 ½½ 00 ½0 11 1½ 1½ ** 0½ 10  11.0/30  146.50
15  Gibbon 2.69a 64-bit      00 00 ½½ 00 ½0 ½0 01 0½ 0½ 10 10 ½½ 0½ 1½ ** 11  11.0/30  143.00
16  Floyd 0.6 64-bit         0½ 00 ½0 0½ 00 0½ 10 00 ½1 00 11 ½½ 00 01 00 **   8.5/30


MadChess 2.0 Released

I have released version 2 of my chess engine. I’ve rewritten the engine from scratch in a more procedural style code- as opposed to the sub-optimal (for chess engines at least) object-oriented style I used in MadChess 1.x.

The engine is about 115 – 160 Elo stronger than its predecessor, depending on time control. I estimate it is about 2350 Elo.

Source code and EXEs available on the Downloads page.

MadChess 2.0 Beta Build 127 (Limit-Strength)

I have added parameters to limit the playing strength of MadChess 2.0 Beta.

The simplest way to limit the playing strength of MadChess 2.0 Beta is to set the LimitStrength and Elo parameters. The engine will automatically configure material scores and positional knowledge.

In addition, the engine will configure search speed (Nodes Per Second), move error, blunder error, and blunder percent based on the Elo value.